Dried apricots

1,650.00 AMD

Nutritional value: per 100 gr
Carbohydrates: 60.7 g Proteins: 4.8 g Energy value (per 100 g): 206 kcal Store at +5°C to +20°C and no more than 75% air
under conditions of relative humidity.
Produced: Yerevan, RA. Shelf life: 6 months.

SKU: 700-12390-1711 Categories: , Tags: ,


Dried apricots are rich in potassium, which participates in the normalization of water-salt balance, maintenance of muscle tone and the work of the cardiovascular system. The aromatic delicacy can be included in the diet of diabetics (moderate), hypertensive patients and people prone to blood clotting. Dried apricots are simply irreplaceable for the heart because they contain magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and iron. It should be used as a preventive measure for anemia, cardiovascular diseases, vitamin deficiency, improving vision and blood composition. Dried apricots are a storehouse of vitamins, valuable acids and minerals.

Additional information

Weight 0.300 kg
Dimensions 16 × 25 cm

Sunny Artsakh

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